Thursday, December 12, 2019

Book Review: Me Before You

I read Me Before You last year and I just couldn't put it down - it instantly became one of my favourite books I had read that year. It was so sweet, such a beautiful love story and I really enjoyed the main character (Lou's) quirky and hilarious personality. Some people were very cynical about it, but I am a self-confessed sucker for heartbreaking love stories so of course I loved it. Bearing how much I loved the first book in mind, it was to be expected that I was both excited and nervous to return to Lou's narrative, especially post-Will. Given the bittersweet ending of the first book, I expected Lou to be in a much happier place, living life to the full and keeping in mind Will's last words to her - "Just live." Therefore, it was quite the surprise to see Lou in such a dark place. Sure, she did gallivant around Paris and used Will's money to buy herself a flat but we never got to see these happy moments in her life. It was just quite sad to see that she wasn't living her life to the fullest like Will had wanted her to. 

Due to this, I did find it quite frustrating and depressing at first seeing her so down but, eventually, I found myself sympathising with Lou. If it were me in her shoes, I'm sure I would be exactly the same, losing someone you love is one of the most devastating things that could happen to you. I became more understanding of her, after all you never know how you would react in certain situations, especially one like this. Will had left such a big hole in her life and it's completely understandable that she would be in such a dark place. One line in particular really stuck with me and tugged at my heartstrings: "I loved a man who had opened up a world to me but hadn't loved me enough to stay in it."  That, for me, perfectly epitomised her feelings about Will. 

Nevertheless, despite a frustrating start, it was nice to read a book that was about moving on and picking up the pieces (albeit very slowly!) and I don't think I have ever read a book like this! The 'Moving on Circle' scenes were an interesting read, and it was good to see how other people cope with their grief. Furthermore, there were two new important additions to the character list who were instrumental in helping Lou move on: Sam and Lily. Sam (the new love interest) had the problem of living up to Will which, obviously, was never going to happen. How could you replace such a special and rare connection that Lou and Will had shared? This is addressed very well throughout the book and I believe Moyes took the right route with Sam, he doesn't try to fill Will's shoes but instead offers Lou a glimmer of hope and someone who will support and love her. Isn't that something we all want/need? I liked him instantly and also enjoyed his and Lou's blossoming relationship, despite it being a more basic and predictable romance when compared to the first book.

Lily, on the other hand, was an odd character and it took a lot more time for me to warm to her, if I did at all. No spoilers from me (as her storyline is a major plot point) but she simply irritated me to no end. I found her to be selfish, entitled and just plain thoughtless and also found myself becoming increasingly annoyed at Lou for putting up with her behaviour. Whilst I can see that Lily's character did serve a purpose to Lou (helping her to forget, and move on, from her own problems), she did hold Lou back, with me wanting to see Lou branch out more into having her own storyline. Furthermore, the direction Moyes took with Lily's storyline was quite shocking, if a little convoluted, and I was unsure of what to make of it. I did find myself sympathising her with eventually (due to her backstory) and it was good to see her character become full circle but I simply couldn't warm to her and that's that.

However, the main gripe I had with this book is that it's simply boring. Whereas with the first book I was dying to read it all and couldn't put it down, After You was a real struggle to get through. Although there were some very dramatic moments interspersed throughout the story, they failed to have the same believability and effect when compared to the first book. Additionally, the humour was both forced and odd. The 'humorous' sub-plot involving Lou's mother discovering feminism was contrived and trivial and I failed to see what this side-plot added to the overall story. The same can also be said about her sister's interference. The tone of the book was just a strange mix, on the one hand it was hopeful and light-hearted but on the other, it was also depressing and sad, so I'm not entirely sure what to make of it.

Overall, I have mixed feelings about this book. I can see why Moyes wrote it, to satisfy reader's cravings to know what happened to Lou after the end of the first book, however I'm not convinced it was entirely needed. Leaving readers guessing after the first book would've been a much better move in my opinion, as this was quite an underwhelming sequel. After the magic of Me Before You, I was expecting something worthwhile to be added to the story and, unfortunately, I don't believe this did that.

Star Rating: 2.5 Stars

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