
Hi, my name is Sabrina, I'm 22 and I live in a small town in England. I graduated from the University of Exeter with a degree in Film Studies in 2019, and have recently started a new job as an Editorial Assistant at an academic publisher.

I class myself as a very normal and 'average' reader. What I mean by this is that I'm no 'booktuber' who can speed through 100 books in a year. Instead, I'm quite a slow reader, and although my goal for 2020 will be around 50 books, I feel happy if I'm able to read 25! (Update: 2020 has gotten off to a very slow reading start... I have only read 7 books in 5 months, so 25 doesn't even seem doable currently. I hate reading slumps!).

I'm hoping to use this blog to share my thoughts and opinions about the books I read, shared bits of my life, and (hopefully) improve my writing.

Thanks for stopping by!
FROM SABRINA'S BOOKSHELF + Blog design by labinastudio.